EVA Check-in’s new on-site forms feature means everyone checking in can easily record an incident, complete a permit to work, see a hazard list – all without needing a license for to your H&S system.
The use of health and safety tools on construction sites is widespread.
This software helps to mitigate risk and track and improve safety and is available as a standalone solution or a module within construction management software. Usually, site managers, project managers, and main contractors use this software on-site daily.
However, is this enough to build an accurate picture of your site's safety?
The downside to this is that contractors cannot self-report accidents and near misses without buying and managing extra software licenses, which is costly, or worse, people share login details creating security issues. Without easily accessible reporting tools, contractors may either forget to log accidents and near-misses - or actively choose not to if it is too much hassle.
So, if you have many contractors on-site each day (and which can change from day to day), how do you build a more accurate picture of your safety performance without changing your existing health and safety toolset?
Introducing on-site forms for incident recording, capturing permits to work and more
We've developed a new safety reporting feature tailor-made for contractors on the back of customer feedback.
Using on-site forms in the EVA Check-in website or app used for site sign-ins, anyone can self-report any near-miss or accident. This data can be shared with the health and safety system you currently use using webhooks.
If an accident or near-miss is reported as urgent or critical, a notification is sent directly to your Health and Safety Manager and anyone else you nominate. Giving contractors the ability to self-report accidents and near-misses leaves nothing to chance. When you give everyone on-site the ability to self-report accidents, you know that your health and safety reporting is more representative of what is happening on-site. This is great for everyone – contractors, Site Managers, Health and Safety Managers, and ultimately, anyone with a responsibility to keep people safe.
You can also use this capability to create any form you like – permits to work being a common example – and provide additional information like contact details for site safety managers and supervisors.
If you'd like to see how EVA Check-in makes life on construction sites safer and more productive, check this out.
Or, if you're ready to try our software for yourself, try our 14-day free trial to get started.